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Image by Harry Shelton

Trusted Advisors

Business Acumen + Technical Expertise

Our Services

Due Diligence

RWA's team of due diligence experts provide in-depth analysis and assessment of potential natural gas investments and transactions.

Expert Witness

RWA's expert witness services, brings extensive industry knowledge and technical expertise to support legal proceedings related to the natural gas sector. 

Technical Advisory

Our technical advisory services offer clients strategic guidance and specialized expertise in various areas of the natural gas industry.

Organizational Assessments

Through our organizational assessments, we evaluate the structure, people, processes, and capabilities of our clients' natural gas operations.

Strategic Planning

Our strategic planning services assist clients in formulating robust and forward-thinking strategies for success in the natural gas industry.

Research & Analytics

With our research and analytics capabilities, RWA can provide clients with valuable market intelligence, data-driven insights, and predictive analysis to support their decision-making processes.

Our Team

Is a unique team of former utility executives with broad industry and technical experience. The team includes members that have worked in various roles with large gas pipeline and distribution companies – serving in leadership roles in multiple acquisition due diligence and asset integrations and management.



"Experience with assisting over 100 clients worldwide."

"Connect with some of the most trusted technical advisors."

Our Clients

RWA has significant experience providing professional services to many clients in many different capacities.

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